Dinner Coding Time logo, a very stylized D

Ads Policy

Every single ad on this website follows 3 requirements:


When ads are static, there's nothing going on in the background: no third-party servers being connected to; no tracking pixels; no adversisers' JavaScript code being ran on your computer.

You don't have to worry about tracking or resource-heavy ads being loaded without consent.


Ads are confined to their own lil' box. No pop-ups, popunders, or sticky banner ads exist on this site.

They're not going to pretend to not be ads. They might even be useful!


Every ad is individually approved. By a human. We're not gonna approve any inappropriate ads. :)

Why Run Ads?

Because running the website costs money. and i am not made of money. so i need money somehow. and nobody donated so i'm running ethical ads. Don't worry, this is still a non-profit project. It simply needs to sustain itself.